(image via weheartit)
Welcome to the blog party! I'm having a blog party because of 2 reasons, I started my blog last January, so it's a 1 year anniversary. And, I have over 200 followers! Thanks you so much for following me, you guys! it means alot!
Onto our first guest blog of the day- The Spotted Fox!

Hi and Hello! Kelly and Sara here from http://www.thespottedfox.com/. We are so honored to be doing a guest post on PunkProjects!
We have cooked up a super simple DIY project for crafters, seamsters, and teacup enthusiasts.. a 5-minute, no-sew, teacup pincushion!!
Here's what you'll need:
-12" x 12" scrap piece of fabric
-handful of fiberfill/stuffing
-elastic hair band

:: Place your fiberfill in the center of your fabric scrap. Gather each corner of the fabric and bring together.. pushing the stuffing into the center of the square.
:: Using your elastic hair band, wrap around tightly forming a stuffing ball. Trim the excess fabric off the tail of your ball.

:: Push your stuffing ball into the teacup with the hair band inside (unseen). You can add a line of glue to the inside of the teacup for an extra sturdy hold if you'd like.

And that's it!! Super quick, super simple, super cheap, and super AWESOME!
Enjoy!.. and be sure to check out The Spotted Fox for more DIY projects and other goodies.