DIY Glitter Mug with Green Mountain Coffee

Today Green Mountain Coffee is releasing their Island Coconut coffee, which is a limited edition that is released in the spring, signaling the sunny days and tropical nights to come.  This guilt-free, bikini approved seasonal treat captures the lush aroma of fruity, exotic coconut and blends it with the subtle sweetness of a light-roast coffee

I'm super happy to have been able to try this delicious coffee, it tastes just like Summer! Green Mountain Coffee sent me some of this new flavor and in return, I made this amazing dishwasher safe glittered coffee cup to drink my new coffee out of! I'm also sharing a tutorial in case you want to make your own!

Founded in 1981 as a small cafĂ© in Waitsfield, Vermont, the Green Mountain Coffee® brand has grown to be one of the nation’s leading specialty coffee
brands.  Green Mountain Coffee® roasts high-quality Arabica beans sourced from all over the world, including one of the largest selections of Fair Trade Certified™ coffees in the U.S.  From carefully sourcing and roasting the highest quality beans, to supporting small farms and protecting the environment, Green Mountain Coffee®  focuses on what’s important, because a good cup of coffee can change your day… but a great cup of coffee can help change the world.

Supplies: White Coffee Mug, Chunky Green Glitter (or other color), Mod Podge Gloss, Paint Brush, Washi or Masking Tape

1. Use washi tape to tape off a line about 1/3rd of the way down from the top, going around your cup and your handle.

2. Brush Mod Podge Gloss onto the bottom section of your cup, making sure not to go above the tape.

3. Pour glitter over the Mod Podged area of your mug, making sure to give it a full coat.
TIP- Put your mug on a piece of scrap paper before you pour the glitter, so that afterwards you can fold the paper in half and use it like a funnel to pour the extra glitter back int he container.

4. Use a dry paint brush to brush off any extra glitter that is sticking to the mug above the taped off line. Let it dry.

5. Repeat steps 2-4, touching up any places where the mug still shows through the glitter. Let that dry.

6. To finish off you mug, give it one more coat of Mod Podge Gloss to fully seal it. Let it dry.

Here are a few more tips-

  • Let your finished coffee mug cure for 2 weeks after final coat of Mod Podge before washing. This ensures that it is fully sealed.
  • After 2 week, cups are dishwasher safe.
  • Do not soak in hot water or microwave. The cups are fine in the dishwasher, but soaking it in hot water for too long will make it start to dissolve and the microwave will make it slightly tacky.
If you want to try this new flavor of coffee, you can get it here. While I received free product from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, all opinions are my own.

Learn more about Green Mountain Coffee on their social media pages- Facebook|Twitter