The Red Color Chaos Journal

Today's post is very RED and it's amazing, if I do say so. Now, Red isn't on of my "go-to" colors, but this was Sharon's red journal in our Color Chaos Journal Collab, and her favorite color is red, so I went for it. It was definitely a challenge, but a fun one.

Sharon hinted that she wouldn't mind if I altered the cover. I didn't want to do too much to cover it up, so I just added the "Art is Freedom" saying and an arrow. Easy peasy.

For my first page, I actually started with just the right side of the spread, paint the background and quote. Then I decided to do something to the left page and the fox girl is what showed up on my page after a bit of sketching.

I am making it a goal to do at least one galaxy or space page in everyone's journal. Yeah, I may be a bit obsessed, but space is so magical! I cut the girl and the mountains out of a Colorado travel brochure and painted on the galaxy + quote.

This next page is almost too simple for me, but at the same time I love it. And it is extremely true for me. I have a cup of tea in my hand all day long.

I used a red dual brush pen by Tombow for the lettering.

I love adult coloring books (who doesn't though?) and I had been coloring these birds in one of my coloring books. I decided to add them here into the journal.

And for my last page in the red journal, I got a my acrylics out to paint on this artist hand. My hands look like that nearly every day...

The "starburst" is a cut up gelli print.

You can learn more about our Colored Journals and see my pink journal here.

If you have a couple of minutes, be sure to stop by the rest of the Color Chaos Gang's blogs!