Project 366- Week 35 and 36.

I didn't have any internet last week, so I've got 2 weeks worth of project 366 today.
 Autumn Crafting | Trees Down from Tropical Storm Isaac | Star Trek (of course!) | Sewing Buttons | Crafting| Squirrel! | Mountain Biking
Beautiful Sunset | Garden Girl | My Birthday! | Squirrel! | Air Plant | Espresso Doodles | We found a Star Fish at the beach!

How was your week? I turned 20, took a lot of squirrel pictures, and Taylor and I found a starfish washed up on the shore yesterday.  I picked it up to take a picture, and then I put it back in the water. ;) Have you ever seen a starfish out in the open and not in the zoo?  We saw one in Maine once but I didn't get to pick it up.