Make it Monday

Restyle your Push Pins with this cool DIY.
Make Fringe Earrings and a Necklace using this DIY.
Stitch up a cute Birdie Purse with this DIY.
Easter is only 1 month away! Learn how to make some adorable Mustache Easter Eggs using this DIY.
Make your own Rain Drop Cushions using this tutorial. I think these are so cute!!
Create an Embroidery Hoop Picture Frame with this tutorial.

This isn't exactly a DIY, but I wanted to share anyway because I think it has some great ideas! This week Taylor from This Memorable Life is sharing tips for writing and blogging.

How was your weekend? I walked the Cowtown 5k on Saturday, which was fun! I also found out that I won the entire new Yes, Please scrapbooking line from AmyTan. Exciting!!