Wanderlust Pine Needle Basket

It's time for an update on my adventures in making pine needle baskets! You can see my original post here, my 2nd set of baskets here, and my 3rd set here.

This basket here is my most recent, and possibly my favorite so far.

I made a leather and fabric bottom and I dyed the pine needles a fun aqua blue. I've found the trick to dying the pine needles is to dry out green needles in a dark area and that will turn them a really light green which you can then dye and it works better than trying to dye brown needles.

For the lid, I used a dyed pine cone and wrapped the pine needle coils all in raffia. I picked the beads up locally and they are actually made from coral.

So there you have it! These baskets are really fun but it is almost hard to find time to create them because I have way too many hobbies. Do you ever feel that way?