DIY JOY Christmas Wooden Canvas

Do you need a little last minute Christmas decor inspiration? Here is a fun project I created for DecoArt! Their Multi-Surface Acrylic paints are my favorites! I used a variety of their paints with a wooden canvas and wooden letters to make this sturdy decor piece!

I love the wooden letters- they feel almost marquee like even though they don't light up!

DIY JOY Christmas Canvas by Katie Smith @punkprojects
DIY JOY Christmas Canvas by Katie Smith @punkprojects

DecoArt Paints:
  • Americana® Decou-Page™Matte Decou-Page (DS106)
  • Americana® Multi-Surface Acrylics
  • Champagne (Metallic) (DA554)
  • Green Beret (DA521)
  • Mushroom (DA533)
  • Soft Jade (DA545)
  • White Birch (DA501)
  • Woodland Green (DA565)
  • DecoArt Media® Antiquing Cream
  • Raw Umber (DMM151)
Other supplies:
  • water container
  • palette or plastic plate
  • paper towels
  • scissors
  • painter's tape
  • 1" flat brush
  • #5 round brush
  • tissue paper (white patterned)
  • clean cloth
  • wooden letters ("JOY")
  • E6000 Glue
  • wooden panel (12" x 24")
  • #3 flat brush

  1. Using painter's tape, tape off the Christmas tree area on the wooden panel. (This one is 18" from top to bottom with a 5" stump.)

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

2. Use a 1" flat brush to paint inside the painter's tape with White Birch.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

3. Cut circles from the white patterned tissue paper, varying the sizes from 1" to 4". Brush Americana Matte Decou-Page onto the backs of the circles and adhere them onto the tree. Apply another layer of Decou-Page on top of the paper.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

4. Use a #3 flat brush to create small painted lines on the tree in Mushroom. (Paint them in rows down the tree like pine needles.)

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

5. Remove the painter's tape and paint the rest of the panel in Woodland Green. (Be careful not to paint over the tree; tape off the tree if needed.)

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

6. Apply painter's tape in diagonal stripes over the entire canvas, placing them approximately 1" apart.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

7. Paint between the tape stripes with Green Beret, being careful not to paint the tree.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

8. Remove all painter's tape. Use a 1" flat brush to paint the edges of the canvas in Green Beret.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

9. Use a #5 round brush to apply Raw Umber Antiquing Cream around the edges of the canvas, as well as lightly around the tree outline. Use a small cloth to smear the edges into the canvas.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

10. Use a #5 round brush to paint the sides of the wooden letters in Soft Jade. Let dry. Once dry, paint the letter fronts in Champagne (Metallic).

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

11. Using E6000 Glue, adhere the letters onto the center of the tree.

Make a Christmas Canvas using paints by #decoart and following this DIY by Katie Smith @punkprojects

Merry Christmas everyone!