Joining an Art Journal Community

Todays post is a little bit more writing than normal, which is harder for me. I just like to post pretty pictures. But I wanted to tell you about something I love- Art Journaling! and more specifically, the Get Messy Art Journaling Community.

I've been art journaling for a couple of years now, but it was always just off and on. At the beginning of this year though, I joined the Get Messy Art Journal community. Not only did Caylee and Lauren (the Get Messy founders) provide fabulous art journal prompts, but the community of journalers and artists involved are so nice and talented.

I'm saying this as an introvert. I hate social things, communities, etc. But I enjoy being a part of this group. I found my art journaling voice this year and the Get Messy community has been very supportive.

You can see all of my blog posts featuring my Get Messy inspired art journaling pages here.

 Here on the blog I've already shared reasons why I keep an art journal (and maybe reasons you should), and they're all still true. I keep an art journal because I need it to turn how I'm feeling into art.
Some people do more actual "journaling" in their art journals, but I love quotes and I like to use my journal to document those quotes. Usually they fit how I'm feeling that day or week, etc.

It's also a great place to practice art techniques.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, I have an exciting reason- I am now on the Get Messy Creative Team! YAY.

This gives me even more reasons to play in my art journal.

The team: Anika || Cait || Emily || Essie || Gretchen || Julia || Karen || Kathleen || ME! || Nina || Sharon ||Tanyalee || Torrie || Vanessa || Zinia

I'm thrilled to be joining this group of talented ladies in 2016. Let's make it the year of the art journal.

My goal for 2016 is to find my art voice and style even more. Do you have a creative goal for the new year?

Learn more about Get Messy Art Journal here.

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