A Dark Art Journal Zine

Today I have another art journal zine to share, I love doing these! It's fun to have a miniature art journal done in one theme. You can find the previous zines I've participated in here-SpaceSeaBoldVintageWoodland, Spirit, Girl Boss.

The "Zine Squad" consists of 3 main members, Myself, Vanessa and Julia, and then we usually ask another art journaler or two to join us on gifting a zine to someone.

This time we asked Essie to  join us in making a zine for Lauren, who is a bit dark which is why this zine is punk/goth/creepy themed. Which is not my normal thing, but sometimes I can be a bit dark.

I drew the vampire girl on the left and I think the page on the right is by Julia? I just drew her from my imagination, but we've decided she's basically a Zoeey Deschanel Vampire.

I'm not sure who made the page on the left (Julia again, maybe?) but the page on the right is mine. I covered the page in black gesso and then put a gelli print mandala on top.

Page on the left by me, Page on the right by Essie.

I actually used a self portrait I took last Summer in Colorado for this page. I added a few doodles and a quote that I liked.

This spread is all by me, and I sort of love it and sort of don't, Haha. The girl I copied out of an old sketchbook of mine, and I thought she fit good in this dark art journal.

I love collaborating on art journals like this! I highly encourage you guys to go visit their blogs and see the rest of the zine, because the rest of the pages are amazing!