Create an Art Journal You Can Mail

Hey guys, I have a fun post to share with you! Today, Those of us on the Get Messy Art Journal Creative Team are celebrating diversity in art through a blog hop and giving away one annual membership. Read through to the bottom of the post to find out how to win!

To start at the beginning of the Hop, Head over to Cait's blog!

Today I wanted to share a project I've been wanting to do for a while now- An art journal that you can send through the mail! With no extra packaging! 

This journal was inspired by Moleskine's Postal notebook, which is an 8 page notebook with envelope flaps! I loved the idea and wanted to try and make my own customizable version! So I did!

And because I'm pretty cool, I also made a template for you if you'd like it! 

How to make your own version-
1. Use the template to cut out a cover for your envelope journal from cardstock.
2. Fold the flaps in to crease them, unfold.
3. Cut mixed media papers for the inside (or other types of paper! Feel free to use what you like) to 7"x5" and fold them in half to 3.5"x5".
4. Place your inside papers on top of the cover cardstock and stitch down the middle, right through the crease.

To mail the journal (after filling it up!), just fold up the flaps, add a bit of tape to the back and address/stamp the front! I used 2 stamps to mail mine, but depending on how thick your finished journal ends up being you may need less or more postage.

This was a super easy journal to put together!

I decided I wanted to turn it into a quote themed art journal for a friend. I kept it simple by going through and making a bunch of fun backgrounds, and then adding the quotes on top using a Tombow Dual Brush Pen. 

In this journal I used acrylic paints, markers, washi tapes, magazine pages and gelli prints. A lot of different techniques, but I kept each page pretty simple, so I whipped this journal up in a day!

I really love how this little journal turned out and now I want to make even more mail-able journals! They're almost like a zine!   What would you create a journal about? Random art, or would you do a theme (like I have done quotes)?

To continue participating in the blog hop, Your next stop is the ever talented Zinia

To enter the giveaway to win one annual membership to Get Messy , just leave a comment on all of the blogs in the hop. The more blog comments you leave, the higher your chance of winning! The winner will be announced on Saturday on Lauren's blog.