DIY Glue and Ink Resist Mixed Media Technique

As I was browsing through pinterest recently I saw a kids craft that involved squirting white glue into wet watercolors, and I immediately wanted to try it as a mixed media technique!

Instead of white glue and watercolors, I grabbed Tombow Dual Brush Pens and MONO Aqua Liquid Glue. The MONO Aqua Liquid Glue works great as a resist (once dry), but this is the first time I've used it in wet ink.

Here's what you'll need: 

1. Scribble ink onto the blending palette.
2. Mist it with water.

3. Flip the blending palette down onto a piece of mixed media paper and press it down to transfer the ink. You can swirl it around the paper if you want to.

4. Mist the ink on the paper again with water, just to make sure it stays wet. You can add on another color if you like. I added some pink.

5. Draw patterns into the wet ink using the pen tip of the glue bottle.

You can sprinkle on salt as well to have another fun effect.

The glue creates a resist, however with ink underneath it as well it creates an almost glowing effect that I like. It's very dreamy!

I found that the glue reacted more where the ink was most wet.

I cut up one of my new patterns to use in my art journal, as you can see above. I combined it with the drawing of the girl I created, added a quote and it was done!

I like this twist on the resist technique! Have you tried it?