Taylor (My Sister) is graduating from UNT this Summer, so we recently did a Grad photo shoot with her wearing her Cap and Gown. So I made this mini album for those photos.
Supplies: Papers, Binder Ring, Hole Punch, Ribbon, Scrapbooking Embellishments.
1. Cut your papers into circles. I cut mine into 5&1/2" circles, but you can change that size if you want.
2. Decorate your pages. I used a few different techniques- I used a star stencil and some white Mister Huey spray mists to mists some stars. For the gold stars, I used the star stencil, applied a little modge podge, and sprinkled glitter on top. For one page, I cut up strips of an old book page.
3. Stack all of your pages together, and punch a hole in the side.
I used my Crop-o-dile, which is strong enough to punch through all of the layers.
4. Run your Binder Rind through your pages. To decorate it, I cut a few strips of ribbon and tied them to the ring.