This year I'm doing my first "December Daily" type album. I will be combining 30 Lists with Daily Doc Holiday Edition and also just doing my own thing, documenting the Holiday season. :) Today, I'm excited to let you guys know Megan and Allie have given me a copy of Daily Doc: Holiday Edition to giveaway!
Are you ready to document your holidays? The holidays are rich with tradition, magic, and memories in the making. However, they are also the busiest time of the year for some of us, so it can be difficult to capture that magic. Don’t miss out on documenting the special holiday season during the hustle and bustle!
Document the everyday, every day during the holiday season with Daily Doc: Holiday Edition by Megan of The Nerd Nest and Allie of Document Life Workshop! Allie and Megan are giving away one spot in this self-paced workshop to a lucky reader. This workshop is a regimen. A daily workout aimed to help you make documenting everyday life part of your routine by focusing on what matters: taking photos and writing words that document your life. All it takes is one click of the camera each day and a few sentences of journaling. With 40 holiday prompts, you’ll capture the special details of your magical season, and those memories will be ready and waiting for you when you want to use them to make a mini book, write a blog series, share a social media album, or fill a scrapbook— and the details will be just as rich if you use that documentation the day of or next July. These prompts would be perfect for your December Daily™ or your December Memories album-- or just doing as a personal project for you! Can’t commit to documenting daily? Use the prompts as a checklist to document the details of your holidays that you may take for granted. The goal is to capture memories, not to add stress! Self Paced Workshop Includes:
- 40 holiday photo and writing prompts—there are extras so you can skip any that don’t apply to your holiday celebration!
- Richly designed 45 page PDF workbook you can use to keep track of your journaling.
- Forward from Megan and Allie detailing the benefits of daily documentation with tips on making documenting part of your routine.
- Some prompts are inspired by holiday traditions, but most easily translate across multiple December holiday celebrations—not just Christmas!
- Social media hash tags for each prompt so you can share with and get inspired by others!
- Weekly Wednesday link-ups at Document Life Workshop. We’ll show you how we’re using our Daily Doc and you can show us how you are using yours!
Congrats to Tammy B. You won! I've passed on your info to the ladies at Document Life Workshop so you'll be hearing from them!
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