Last weekend my family and I took a quick trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park to go camping. We used to live really close so it was our favorite Summer swimming hole that we would go to ALL of the time. We'd never actually camped there though until now. I took my camera along (of course) and took some pictures.
I used my new macro lens to take close up pictures of lichen and other things. I love taking nature photos more than photos of people. People are so much harder. ;)
In case you were curious, There IS a reason why it's called Dinosaur Valley. I've seen the tracks so many times (since we used to go to the park a lot.) but here are a few pictures I took on this trip:
We also tried something we saw on pinterest! You never know if it will turn out good or if it will be a pintrositiy! We poured cake batter in orange peels and baked them in our hot coals. It turned out perfectly, they were so yummy!