In the Studio

"In the Studio" is a new blog feature I'm starting. What is it? Basically I just want to share some behind the scenes peeks with you, what I've been working on in the studio, what you can look forward to, and other random things from my week.
I plan to post these on Fridays. I'm not sure if it will be weekly or not. We'll see. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this new feature?

This week In the Studio-

  • Art journal tutorials
  • Restyling and reorganizing my studio
  • Project Life
  • Planning Autumn projects
  • Catching up on design team projects


  • We went to a flea market and a few thrift stores this past weekend. I found a few items to restyle!
  • I had my first pumpkin frappe of the season
  • Lots of tea drinking