DIY Felt Fox Notebook Cover

I love owls and foxes. I think they're just so adorable. I know I'm not the only one, woodland creatures are pretty trendy right now- foxes especially!

Last time I was at Office Depot I picked up a couple of notebooks that were on sale (back-to-school!). Restyling notebooks is one of my favorite things to do. I mean, the possibilities are endless. For this notebook I decided to use some felt and make it look like a fox.

Supplies: Notebook, Orange, White, and Black Felt, Scissors, Sewing Machine, Embroidery Thread, Needle

1. Start by cutting out a piece of orange felt the size of the front of your notebook. You'll also need to cut 2 rounded triangles from white felt, 2 small black eyes and a small black triangle for the nose.

2. Stitch your face onto the piece of orange felt. I used a sewing machine, but you could also do it by hand.

3. Take a needle and some black embroidery thread and stitch on a mouth. I also decided to add a few stitches above his face, curving around the white felt. That's totally optional, but I liked the look.

4. Apply craft glue to the back of the orange fox and stick him on the front of your notebook, pressing it down firmly and the letting it dry.

That's it! 4 steps and you have this adorable notebook perfect for Autumn!

If you want more notebook ideas, I have a lot of restyled notebooks on my tutorials page.