Hey everyone, Merry Christmas Eve! Are you ready for the Holiday? :) Just fair warning, This is a long post.
When I get up in the mornings (after playing on facebook and drinking tea) I've been spending time doing the days 30 Days of lists prompt and working in my December album, adding in photos and memories from the day before.
I've shared a little bit about my December album here on the blog already. If you want to, read more about it here:
Here are days 8-23. We celebrated Christmas early while family was in town so I had to play catch up a little bit once they left.
Dec 8th. I used a gelli print for the background on the left. The colors of the print reminded me a bit of cacti so I thought it was perfect to go with the photo of my cactus Christmas sweater!
I didn't really do much on the 9th, so I kept it simple and just added in a list.
Dec 10th and 11th. I stamped (the wings) and drew the angel on the left and colored her with gelato pigment sticks and decided she needed to be added to my December album.
The list prompt for the 11th was "Things I wish I could outsource" so I drew a minion. :)
Dec 12th and 13th. The 13th was a busy day for me, I went out on my scooter twice because I needed things (from Hobby Lobby! my fave.) and my Mom and I were making Christmas presents.
Dec 14th. Today I picked my first snow pea from my garden of the winter season. We also went to get some things we needed from the bicycle shop and while there, I tried out their "fat wheel" unicycle. It was a bit different than my skinny wheel unicycle.
Dec 15th. I've been illustrating some of my Aunts poems (will be blogging about them after the holidays!) and I decided the ice princess worked well for my December album, so I made a copy of her and added her in.
Dec 16th. My amazing friend Heather sent me a "12 days of Christmas" package, where I open a present a day until Christmas so I had to journal about that. She's the sweetest!
Dec 17th and 18th. I didn't do much on the 17th, Taylor got here on the 18th and we celebrated out Christmas early! I got so many fantastic gifts, everyone loved the handmade gifts I gave them (YAY!) and we just had a great time.
We have our spray painted tree set up on our porch, so we light it up at night.
Dec 19th. We went ice skating at our local rink and had a blast! There were only a dozen people there so the fact that it wasn't crowded made it even better!
That evening we went and drove through the Christmas lights! The next morning we got up and made gluten free sugar cookies.
Dec 22nd. We're pet sitting Taylor's cat for the week while she's traveling, so I had to include a snapshot of Teddy.
Dec 23rd. This is possibly my favorite page yet. The 30 lists prompt of the day was "I find magic in", and that really inspired me.
Both backgrounds are gelli prints- the print on the left was just on regular paper but the print on the left was done onto contact paper, so it's a transparency.
I stapled the gelli print transparency to the top of the left page, so that if flips up to show what's underneath- Like magic!
So there you have it, a little peek into my life this month! Thanks for reading, Merry Christmas!