Adventures in Pine Needle Basketry - part 3

Hey guys, Happy Tuesday! It's time for an update on my adventures in making pine needle baskets! You can see my original post here, and my 2nd set of baskets here.

I've made a couple more recently so I figured I'd share photos of them!

I decided to try making a vase shape, and I am super pleased with how it turned out. While I'm pretty sure it won't really hold water (I'd have to find some way to seal it.) I still think it's amazing and could hold fake flowers. Haha.

I did a "meandering coil" around the vase, and added some fish beads that I got at a local craft show.

Something cool about making pine needle baskets is that I learn new things on every one! There are so many different stitches and techniques to experiment with!

On the basket below, I made a basket center out of resin! I started by making a mold with the Amazing Remelt  mold, and then added Amazing Clear Cast resin and put a piece of rosemary in the resin. Once the resin was dry, I stabbed holes in it with a small awl.

As you can see above, my basket collection is really starting to grow! The only 2 baskets I've made that aren't pictured there are the 2 below, the owl basket and the Southwest themed basket whom I've found new homes for.

I'm working on a new basket as well, It should turn out neat- it uses dyed needles! :)