Using Magazine Cut Outs in your Art Journal

Hey Guys, Today I am taking over the Adventures in Making blog!

Last year Rachel, from Adventures in Making, guest posted on my blog sharing a peek at her art journals so today I wanted to share a peek into mine! More specifically, a couple of fun techniques I like to use.

I love drawing and painting people in my art journals, but some days I'm feeling a bit lazy or I want to do something different, so I grab a magazine and pull pages from it to use. I like to cut around some of the people/models in the pages and use them in my journal, but being an artist I like to alter them a bit.

Today I am showing you 2 ways to alter cut outs from magazines.

If you get a chance, hop over to the Adventures in Making blog to see my tutorials and to learn how!

Do you like to use magazine cut outs in your art journals? Do you have any other favorite techniques?

Also, The Make Things! Craft Challenge starts on Sunday! Are you joining in? Click here to learn more about it.