On Vacation

Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that the blog will be a little quiet for the next couple of weeks.

If you follow me on instagram, you may have realized that I have been traveling A LOT lately. I've kept the blog up while doing it, but I am still traveling (which is so fun, but also really hard to find time to blog) and I think it is a good time to take a break and actually go on vacation from blogging- not for too long though!

Now that the Make Things! challenge is over, I will be taking a break from Punk Projects for a couple of weeks.

This was a hard decision because I love my blog, and I don't want to lose any of you guys, my fabulous readers, but I feel like I can't keep it up while I'm traveling. So, I promise- I'll be back soon!

xo, -Katie

p.s. While I'm gone, I'd love to have you flip through some of my old archives. I've got tons of tutorials I've posted in the past 5 years of Punk Projects.