DIY Glitter Turkeys using Empty Pirouline Tins

Hey there, Happy Wednesday you guys! If you're new here, I post a recycled Pirouline tin craft every month! You can find them all here

While I normally don't decorate much for Thanksgiving, this year I had the idea for making these Turkey tins, out of empty Pirouline cookie tins, and I just had to make them!
They turned out even cuter than I imagined. I considered sticking googley eyes to the front of them, but I didn't have any. Oh well.


  • Empty Pirouline Tins
  • Self Adhesive Glitter Paper (I used some from Love My Tapes), You can also use spray adhesive and a bottle of glitter, but I prefer the no mess of glitter paper.
  • 2 or more Patterned Papers
  • Hot Glue
  • Scissors
  • Marker

1.  Measure and cut a piece of glitter paper the size of your empty Pirouline tin.

2. Adhere your glitter paper around the tin.

3. Using your patterned papers, cut out 5 feathers. You want these to be 1-2" taller than your tin, and about 2" wide.

4. Use a pair of scissors to cut notches along the sides of your feathers, as pictured below. This is optional, but I like the frayed look.

5. Squirt hot glue onto the middle, front, of one of your feathers, and stick it onto the backside of your tin.

6. Repeat with your remaining 4 feathers, spreading them out a little bit, as pictured below.

(Sorry for switching tin colors here. I forgot which one I was taking photos of.)

And there you have it! One (or more!) sparkly turkey tins! They are Guinea Pig Approved, btw.

So, Do you have a pet that crafts with you?  This is Punky, my new guinea pig.

Want more empty tin projects? Check out 4 more Autumn themed Pirouline crafts here.

You can find out more about the yummy Pirouline Cookies here: Website | Twitter | Facebook